Blue Eyed German Shepherd Husky Mix
A Blue Eyed German Shepherd Husky Mix is a mix of German Shepherd and Siberian Husky that can come in different colors, but typically are black with brown eyes. At times their fur color might be white.
Blue Eyed German Shepherds are medium sized dogs with large ears and the typical characteristics of both breeds. They have a lifespan of around 10 - 14 years.
German Shepherd Husky Mixes are known to be loving and sweet, but fierce protectors as well. They make great family pets and usually get along with everyone in the family.
They typically weigh between 40 – 70 pounds, and their height can vary from 20 – 27 inches tall at the shoulders. They have a stocky build and a double layer coat that comes in different colors.
They typically live between 10 – 14 years, but sometimes longer.
This mix typically takes after the German Shepherd with a pushy temperament and independence on top of intelligence on both sides of their family tree, making them known as good problem solvers.
Blue Eyed German Shepherds are pets that can be intimidating from their appearance or size, but as soon as owners gain their trust they become the best companions you could ask for. In general these dogs do not require an excessive amount of exercise besides what would come from playing at home and going on walks around the neighborhood. This breed is very even tempered and does great with people of all ages, but can be a problem with other dogs if not properly socialized. They are a very good guard dog and will bark when strangers come around to warn their family of incoming visitors.
These large sized mixes need basic training from the moment they become part of your household as puppies or young adults from reputable breeders. This is because of the pushy personality along with their intelligence. It must be made clear early on who is in control, even if you have children in the house, these dogs may see them as playmates and will want to take control over what's going on which could lead to biting. read also here
Blue Eyed German Shepherd Husky Mixes do not usually inherit this temperament and look more like huskies than German Shepherds, but it is important to keep an eye on the temperament and personality of your puppy.
This breed usually weighs from 80-150 pounds when they reach maturity.
They have a dense thick coat which sheds almost year round with a major shed twice a year in spring and fall. This is when you will need to invest more time brushing them daily during these times to avoid hair all over your house. Yearly bathing with a good shampoo that's meant for dogs with thick coats is recommended along with monthly ear cleanings and an occasional trimming of their nails just before they grow too long would be good for dog health in general.
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