Why are Ping Pong Paddles Red and Black
Ping pong paddles usually have a red and black design, so why is this? What does it mean?
Answer: The colors of the ping pong paddle are used to help us determine who serves first in a game. These are some guidelines for determining which player should serve first. This may vary by area or player preference, but these are generally accepted rules.
The color on the right hand side when you are holding the Ping Pong paddle can be either Red or Black, depending on who is playing at the table. This will give one person an advantage to start off with service in each game of ping pong that you play in your lifetime. It doesn't really matter what color your opponent's paddle is, but it's always good to know which side you are serving on.
The rules for determining which player should serve first are as follows: If one player is left-handed and the other right-handed, the lefty serves first. If both players are right-handed, then high roll begins. The new player rolls a ball onto the table while his opponent watches. Whichever number comes up on the ball decides who serves first in that game of ping pong. For example if a 2 comes up, then Black would be serving for that game, since 2 points low on a die face clockwise from 5 (high). If an ace came up on the dice ,then Red would be serving. If neither of the players gets either a 2 or ace then you go back to step one and roll again. Also there are some exceptions to these rules, but it's good enough to know this for casual play.
This will keep things fair at your next game of ping pong! Good luck!
read more here https://pingpongbuzz.com/why-are-ping-pong-paddles-red-and-black/
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